Holy Apostles' C of E Primary School

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Battledown Approach, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL52 6QZ


01242 526858

Holy Apostles' C of E Primary School

“Learn Well, Live Well, Together” ......... ‘God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them. (Genesis I: 27) ........ The value this term is Friendship

  1. Information
  2. Standards and Progress

Standards and Progress

Mission Statement

Holy Apostles’ School is proud of its Christian foundation.
We seek to provide for the spiritual and moral development of each child,
based on the Christian faith.


We aim to develop the academic and intellectual ability of each child.
This is achieved by well-qualified teachers delivering a well-planned,
differentiated, broadly based curriculum.


Our Aims

We aim to provide the best quality of teaching and learning for all the pupils in our care; to ensure that all pupils are happy, motivated, independent learners who are well behaved and show respect and care for others; to be a valued part of the community, noted for academic success and to be recognized as a school which welcomes and includes pupils with a wide range of abilities and skills, all of which support the preparation of our children for life in modern Britain.


  • To equip the children with the confidence and the skills to learn academically, vocationally, socially and spiritually and to take responsibility for their learning and actions.
  • To provide a stimulating, high quality curriculum which is fully inclusive develops potential and enables achievement and enjoyment for all children in our care.
  • To provide a safe, happy and healthy environment in which children are encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
  • To create a welcoming school community, in which all families are encouraged to play an active role in their child’s education.
  • To encourage all pupils to make a valuable contribution to the school, local and wider communities.
  • To develop respect and consideration for the beliefs, differences and ways of life of everyone involved in the school.
  • To enable children to explore and discuss faith and worship, working from a Christian foundation, in the context of a multi-faith society.



We expect pupils to behave reasonably, to show respect for themselves and others and not to act in a way that will hinder or disrupt their own learning or that of others. When necessary, there is an agreed list of sanctions which can be employed by the class teachers or Headteacher in consultation with parents. A copy of the school’s policy on discipline is available from the School Office.


The Merit Scheme

To encourage good behaviour and effort, we have a system known as the Merit Scheme. Pupils collect tokens/stamps which count towards Merit certificates which are presented in front of the whole school. After the second Merit certificate, a  Gold Certificate is awarded and two Gold certificates qualifies for the ultimate Platinum award!


Assessing Progress

During their time at Holy Apostles’, all pupils are assessed to determine their future learning needs. Standardised tests as well as teacher assessment are used for each year-group to assess progress and ensure we can provide appropriate help for all pupils.



The recently revised homework policy aims to reinforce class-based work; to encourage independent learning; and to give pupils opportunities to plan and organise their own time. We envisage no more than 15 minutes are spent per homework by the end of Y2 (Infants) and no more than 30 minutes per homework by the end of Y6 (Juniors). A copy of the homework policy is available from the School Office.


Sex Education

Where matters of sex education arise naturally – for example in science, or if a pupil asks a question spontaneously in class – we believe they should be addressed in a straightforward and sensitive way. As infants, pupils are taught to respect themselves and each other. The family unit is valued, but all pupils’ individual domestic circumstances are respected. 


Special Educational Needs

We carry out a thorough programme of tests and assessment to identify pupils who may have Special Educational Needs. Individual Education Programmes are established for these pupils, and parents are consulted and asked to support the targets which are set. If necessary, outside agencies may also be brought in to help the school give the best possible support.
Occasionally pupils have extra support for their learning when a Statement of Special Educational Needs is made by the Local Education Authority.